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Let's get started again!

The "Let's Take Care of the Planet" project is going to start again in Europe for the next two years programme 2016 - 2018.



"Cari ragazzi, gentili insegnanti,

speriamo che siate ben preparati per l'anno scolastico che sta per partire! Siamo entusiaste di ripartire insieme a voi e vogliamo condividere con voi le grandi novità di quest'anno. Lydia Nicollet, la mitica coordinatrice europea del progetto fino ad oggi lascia il testimone a me, Cécile Massé, che da oggi sarò coordinatrice del network europeo LTCP.

Lydia Nicollet

Lydia rimarrà comunque nell'ambito del progetto come coordinatrice della delegazione francese e con Monde Pluriel fino a dicembre, in particolare per finalizzare la partecipazione di una delegazione LTCP alla COP21 di Parigi.

Se cliccate su questo link potrete trovare un breve video per voi! Se avete curiosità, domande o suggerimenti, non esitate a contattarmi!!

Vi aspetto! a presto!


Questo il messaggio della nuova coordinatrice europea del progetto. Da oggi si riparte con un team ringiovanito e agguerrito deciso fortemente a portare il network europeo LTCP alla prossima conferenza europea dei giovani.

Ecco il programma di lavoro proposto da Cécile:

"Let’s go straight to work now:

Based on the inputs of the workshops made in Brussels, our objectives for the coming years as network will be:

- To be more and more collaborative on a regular basis to reinforce the network and on the long term, plan together the next European Conference.  Which also means that if you are planning something and would like to extend the project in collaboration with another partner country, feel free to use the mailing list to do so!

- To maintain a virtual community based on the motivation from Brussels and the mobilization power of a social network/virtual community.

Cécile Massé

Therefore will have two major axes:

For the youngsters, this year’s exchanges at the European level will stay virtual. If you are interested in having a twin school within Europe or make an exchange with a class from the Philippines (within the framework of our Global Classroom Initiative – project), do not hesitate to contact me. A twin school is a great opportunity for a deeper cultural exchange and can be a possibility to meet up! Building on the youngsters use of virtual tools and of social networks, we would like to initiate a very own social network for the LTCP community from January on.

For us as European partner, we would like to build together the strategy for 2016 and beyond and therefore are planning a meeting (a real one!). More to come in the next month about when/what/where.

As I don’t know some of you, I would like to “meet” you: Therefore, would you be ready to have a chat with me via skype/gtalk (or another platform), so that we know each other and could discuss more in detail your projects for this year and what you think of the above mentioned ideas?

To organize myself, could you please take a few minutes to fill in this questionnaire? Thank you.

And here we go with the….COMMON HIGHLISTS FOR 2015 -2016:

- Earth Day, to celebrate this event, we planned a video contest! The winner will be announced on April 22 nd . Be prepared to discover the terms of the contest in February/March.  
- Mobilization Day, we will have our well-known European LTCP Mobilization Day around April 22 nd  according to your school agendas. Because, let’s be realistic, it will be difficult to do a single mobilization day or week, we will keep the whole month (April) as possible mobilization dates. Once you know when yours will be, I would like to establish a calendar on which your Mobilization Day will appear in order to show that each country has been mobilized.  

To recap, please give here your availabilities and fill in the questionnaire. Thank you!  

I will send you an email in the coming week about the call for participation and conditions for the European Delegation for COY11 and COP21 as well as a few questions about what you are already planning for these events.

Hope to hear from you very soon, please contact me!"

Ecco la presentazione del programma 2016-2018!

Paulo Lima

Francesca Alvisi

Nina Taarabit

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Enti Patrocinatori

Il progetto europeo Prendiamoci Cura del Pianeta esiste grazie al supporto morale e finanziario di molti partner.
Oltre a quelli qui presentati, ogni paese partecipante ha i propri partner nazionali.

In Italia è patrocinato dal CNR.