Tu sei qui: Home News Archivio The 19th April 2012 the Italian National Conference YECP2012 was held in Rome

The 19th April 2012 the Italian National Conference YECP2012 was held in Rome

After two years of hard job, we finally got it!!!



The 19th April 2012 35 youth delegates of the local groups from all around Italy, their teachers and school administrators, the Director and the educators of Legambiente, Viracao, Energoclub and MED, research scientists from the CNR of Bologna and the CONFINT2010 facilitator Antonella Rosella of Younicef, all gathered together to discuss about "Sustainability in schools and territories" and to present with posters the local project elaborated during the scholar year 2011-2012.

One of the aim was to produce the new Italian Chart of the Responsibility based on the "Handbook of Sustainability" elaborated within the Legambiente/Edison 3-years Project "EcoGeneration - the school environment friendly", a very important step toward the realisation of "a sustainability brand" for the school buildings.


The 20th of April the "Handbook of Sustainability" was presented by the Legambiente and YECP2012 Italian delegates to the Ministry of the Environment Corrado Clini during a meeting in the Senato Room from 10 to 12 a.m. The President of Legambiente Association School and Training moderate the discussion. Invited speakers were the vice president Stephen Ciafani Legambiente, the Minister of Environment Corrado Clini, director of external relations and communications at Edison Andrea Prandi, the Senator of the Committee of Environment, land and environmental assets of the Senate Francesco Ferrante, the expert in education for sustainable development Michela Mayer, the director Dario Esposito Anci and representatives of the Ministry of Education.

Paulo Lima

Francesca Alvisi

Nina Taarabit

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Enti Patrocinatori

Il progetto europeo Prendiamoci Cura del Pianeta esiste grazie al supporto morale e finanziario di molti partner.
Oltre a quelli qui presentati, ogni paese partecipante ha i propri partner nazionali.

In Italia è patrocinato dal CNR.